The Tiger Situation
Presented by Dance Theater Workshop
March 2007
Performers: Julie Alexander, Maureen Damaso, Danielle Goldman, Charlotte Gibbons, Noopur Singha, Anna Sperber
Lighting Design: in collaboration with Joe Levasseur
Music: Peter Kerlin and Jon Moniaci
Set Fabrication: Jeff Larson
Costumes: Icon
The Tiger Situation (2007) is an evening length work for six women. The simple task of falling is presented as a thorough study during which we are able to scrutinize the various colliding forces of gravity, momentum, weight, release, contact, space, duration and speed. Staying with this at length, the experience escalates through accumulating bodies and increasing sound volume–from a sonic landscape created by Peter Kerlin and Jon Moniaci. (55 minutes, 6 dancers)